Chocolate Face Mask!

Packed with the goodness of healing the skin, all the edible and yummy ingredients that go in this face pack will prove to be a Facial treat soon This is a tried and tested Chocó Face Mask! Ingredients: Choco powder – 1 tbsp Oats powder ( grind it in mixer) – 2 tbsp Milk – 2 tbsp Honey – 1 tsp Procedure - Take all the ingredients in a bowl with their respective measurements. Mix it thoroughly. Let it rest on your skin for at least 20 minutes. Now take it off with a wet cloth instead of sprinkling water on your face and trying to rub it off and make it messy! Magic of these ingredients … Cocao powder is said to be extremely high in antioxidants . It also contains sulfur, which is like embracing a beauty mineral . It helps reduce inflammation on the skin, increases collagen, maintaining the elasticity of the skin and making it soft and supple at the same time. Milk – Milk is a natural source of Lactic Aci...